The Malle Mile Beach Race 2024 Official Film


The Malle Mile Beach Race 2024

Official Film

Film by Bristow Films


What a pleasure it was to ride, race and party with you all.

Sending a special thank you to the Rag & Bone Man, our official partners and the Malle Marshal team for their un-ending support and enabling us to create the greatest Malle Mile Beach Race ever.

Congratulations to every racer for making the race and to all of us who lost together, in style. Congratulations to Jody of Thornton-Hundred for taking the win in a dramatic Derby finish on the Sunday night!

A big sandy hug and a salty high five from all of us!

Robert & Jonny – Malle Founders


 View The Malle Mile Beach Race 2024 Official Gallery HERE >

A big sandy hug and a high five from all of us!
Robert & Jonny – Malle Founders